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学术讲座【Biophotonics: 2025 and Beyond】




主讲:加拿大多伦多大学  Brian C Wilson教授


专家简介:Brian C. Wilson1971年获得英国格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)博士学位,现为多伦多大学医学院教授、玛格丽特癌症研究所资深研究员和生物物理与成像研究部主任,2007年起受聘为我校客座教授。长期致力于开展光动力诊断与治疗、荧光和拉曼光谱与成像、内窥显微技术和纳米光子学等领域的基础研究、技术开发和临床转化应用。先后在Cancer Research, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Nature Photonics, Nature NanotechnologyCell等学术期刊上发表论文350多篇,会议论文100余篇,综述论文30多篇;获得发明专利18项;主编专著1部,撰写书稿56个章/节;曾获美国国立卫生研究院、美国光学学会、国际光学工程学会和加拿大癌症学会等多个国际学术组织的专业成就奖。应邀作特邀学术报告150次,其中2015120日应邀在巴黎联合国教科文卫总部的“2015国际光年”开幕式上作题为“Biophotonics: current and future”的大会报告。

报告摘要:The 2015 United Nations International Year of Light & Light-Based Technologies recognizes the importance of optical sciences and technologies across many fields: communications, manufacturing, defense & security, environment, culture, green energy, and life sciences & medicine. This last area of application - biophotonics - has emerged rapidly over the past few decades, driven by new photonics technologies and by advances on molecular sciences. It spans analytic techniques for biology, as well as clinical diagnostics that exploit the many advantages of optical imaging and spectroscopy. It also includes novel light-based therapeutics and the use of optical imaging/spectroscopy to guide surgery and other medical interventions. Biophotonics includes not only instrumentation (hardware and software) but also light-based materials (wetware and bioware).The future of biophotonics will continue to be driven by advances in photonics technologies such as ultrashort pulsed lasers and non-linear optical materials, by convergence with other scientific and technological fields, including nanotechnology, robotics, computer/information sciences and bio-imaging, and by current and emerging unmet medical needs such as global health (point-of-care) and personalized medicine.Hence, there opportunities for inter-disciplinary collaborations and increasing need for training of multidisciplinary scientists and technologists.
