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学术讲座【Making PDT work for GBM and other brain tumours: predicting Photosensitizer accumulation, planning the fluence field and increasing treatment selectivity】




主讲:加拿大多伦多大学  Lothar Lilge教授


专家简介:Lothar Lilge博士,多伦多大学医学院医学生物物理系教授和研究生管理协调员、加拿大玛格丽特公主癌症研究中心资深研究员。长期从事光与人体组织相互作用,特别是光动力疗法的基础研究和临床转化应用。发表学术论文近100篇,多次应邀在国际光动力医学协会、西部光子学与欧洲光子学等重要国际学术会议作大会邀请报告。  

报告摘要:While PDT can be successful for GBM and other brain tumours, it success is limited to small clinical trials and selective groups with empirically built expertise. To proceed towards PDT being accepted as a first line therapy providing a significant survival advantage the neurosurgeon needs to be provided with clear indications for a highly likely positive treatment outcome and also detailed instructions on how to achieve them. This is particularly important for the brain when the clinical target is in close proximity or intertwined with eloquent structures. This presentation will show what medical imaging, the physics of light propagation in turbid media, biochemistry and also immunology can contribute to achieving this system. Towards the first the utility of MRI derived blood flow and blood volume measurements to predict photosensitizer uptake is discussed. The use of light propagation model based treatment planning for source positioning is demonstrated for different organs. Means to modify a tissue's sensitivity towards PDT using tyrosine kinase inhibitors, EPO and hypothermia are presented. Lastly, the need to minimize surgical interventions prior to PDT therapy onset is proposed to achieve superior clearing of the malignant micrometastasis.

