主讲:香港大学 张涌副研究员
报告摘要:A seller has L units of product to be sold to a sequence σ of buyers u1, u2, . . . , uσ arriving online and he needs to decide, for each ui, the amount of product to be sold to ui at the then-prevailing market price pi. The objective is to maximize the seller’s revenue. All previous algorithms for the problem need to impose some artificial upper bound M and lower bound m on the market prices, and the seller needs to know either the values of M and m, or their ratio M/m, at the outset.
In this talk, we give an algorithm that does not impose any bounds on market prices and whose performance guarantee depends directly on the input. In particular, we give a class of algorithms such that for any positive integer h and any positive number ?, we have an algorithm Ah,? with good competitive ratio. We also prove that our algorithms are near optimal by showing that given any positive integer h and any algorithm A, we can construct a sequence of buyers σ such that the ratio between the optimal revenue and the revenue obtained by A is lower bounded by some value which is very close to the upper bound.
Moreover, a new model for online pricing -- supply model, is considered. In this model, the seller not only set prices to the items, but can set the amount of items to each user. Again, the objective is to maximize the seller's revenue. We consider two variants, single-type of items and multi-type of items. Both upper bounds and lower bounds are given. model for online pricing -- supply model, is considered. In this model, the seller not only set prices to the items, but can set the amount of items to each user. Again, the objective is to maximize the seller's revenue. We consider two variants, single-type of items and multi-type of items. Both upper bounds and lower bounds are given.